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Amersham School

Starting in Year 7

Starting secondary school is a very exciting time and no doubt you will experience many emotions including excitement and nervousness!  In order to ensure that you feel confident about your move to Amersham School, Miss Holmes,  Year 7 Team Leader, will be visiting you at your current school or inviting you here to meet and talk to other students.  She will also make contact with your Year 6 teacher to talk about your talents and your learning needs.

When you arrive at Amersham you will be starting a very exciting learning journey where you will experience excellent specialist facilities and wonderful teachers. We treat all our students as unique individuals.  Therefore you will be placed in teaching groups that best suit your learning style and your current level of academic ability.  If you require support for your learning we will be able to provide it and, likewise, if you are working well we will be aiming to accelerate your learning further.

Our school motto says, let us ‘Live, Learn and Succeed Together’.  We work as a team to ensure that everyone can achieve personal, social and academic success.  I hope that you will soon be a member of our team and am confident that together we can conquer any challenges that we might encounter to enable you to be successful.


Freedom Tech devices 

Annual Contribution donation request 

Standing order form 

SEN Welcome booklet 

One page profile 

Pupil Premium letter 

Application for Free School Meals