Amersham School


If you are concerned about a child, you can report a concern to Buckinghamshire First Response Team. The team will listen to your concerns and decide on the appropriate action.

By phone

01296 383 962 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

0800 999 7677 before 9am, after 5pm or at a weekends (Emergency Duty Team)




Remember: if anyone is in immediate danger, always call 999. In non-emergencies Thames Valley Police can be contacted on 101.


Other Support

The NSPCC will also listen to your concerns, offer advice and support and can take action on your behalf if a child is in danger. Contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 (free service, lines open 24 hours a day).


Amersham School Safeguarding

If you need to contact Amersham School to discuss SAFEGUARDING please contact:

Mrs Emma Hare on 01494 789003 or

Mrs Claire Hopkins on 01494 789008 or

Mrs Stephanie Parry on 01494 789004



Please note that we are only available during school hours (during the holiday period) and not available during weekends and Bank Holidays.


Further support can also be found online


Our Incredible feedback.....

Dear Team Amersham,


As we go into another Lockdown and you prepare to deliver your excellent teaching remotely, I just wanted to extend my thanks and encouragement as a parent, that you are an amazing school and an amazing set of teachers and a great team and that comes across loud and clear. I have 2 sons at Amersham school and 2 stepsons who are at school elsewhere and the quality of teaching between the 3 schools (2 secondary, 1 primary) is like chalk and cheese. My stepsons get good quality material at the start of the day for secondary and the start of the week for primary and they have to work through it all themselves, which needs parental oversight as a minimum, to navigate through it all. As a working parent with a challenging job, I consider myself very fortunate that in a lockdown situation, I have full-time responsibility for our 2 children who attend Amersham School! To have the structure of the day as a normal school day is something both my boys find very valuable as do I and I’m sure others must feel the same. As you embark on launching into yet another period of change, I wanted to wish you well and I wanted to offer my grateful and heartfelt thanks for all the challenges you have overcome since March 2020 to keep our children educated in the most challenging of circumstances. It comes down to an incredible team across the whole school and a brilliant leader in Mrs Jarrett. Go Team Amersham!

We really appreciate the help and support we get from all the staff at Amersham School.  We are so lucky to be part of such an awesome school with amazing staff!
I would like to pass on my thanks for all that you are doing at Amersham School to keep everyone's spirits up and to keep everyone safe.  Your calm control of the situation and your excellent communication mean that we can feel reassured that the school is doing all that is possible in a challenging situation and is also strongly encouraging all parents to take responsibility for everyone's safety.  Alongside this it has been clear that the drive to provide a high standard of education for the students and continue to encourage them to be the best that they can be has never once been lost.
Thank you for doing an incredible job, making the impossible possible with constantly changing, often contradictory guidance and limited resources.  We appreciate you and your team for all you have done to make it a safe and happy place for the children.
Thanks for all your hard work and commitment - it is very much appreciated.
Your wonderful positive energy and spirit absolutely comes through in everything you do.  Our child comes home buzzing with excitement!  It is wonderful to see, and we really appreciate everything you all do.  Thank you!
We want you to know how much your hard work, dedication and unwavering commitment are appreciated and valued.  From the wonderfully warm welcome you gave our daughter into Team Amersham over the summer, to the incredible protective changes and procedures you managed to put in place before September, as well as the tireless support, positivity and care from you and your devoted staff throughout these challenging times, are just extraordinary.
Please forward our message of appreciation to Mrs Jarrett for the leadership and decisive actions that have been made to ensure the school is running as normally as it can.
We wanted to say thank you for the brilliant online Year 7 Parents' Evening.  Every member of staff was positive, professional and brightened our evening.

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