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Amersham School


Business and Enterprise

We believe our specialist Business and Enterprise College status has helped us to raise standards of achievement and progress by opening up greater opportunities for student and staff development, alongside the provision of improved facilities. 

We are committed to developing a ‘can-do’ culture of enterprise within the school and also within our wider school community. Our concept of enterprise education is strongly linked to our values and ethos and has, at its centre, a commitment to the development of transferable skills amongst our students. This is demonstrated through strong links with the community and local businesses, and the development of innovative and engaging teaching methods amongst our staff. Two of the most significant curriculum decisions based upon our ethos of Business and Enterprise are:

  • The introduction of a subject-based skills development programme through the CIRCLE skills initiative. CIRCLE represents Communication, Interpersonal, Research, Creative, Learning, Effective Self-Managers. Teachers now regularly build these important work-related skills into their lesson planning.
  • Enhanced Learning Days are whole-day events where the curriculum is collapsed. These days are designed to broaden our students' curriculum diet and provide opportunities to demonstrate, develop and apply their CIRCLE skills and subject knowledge in different contexts.